Hey there everyone! It's that time again! Another extraordinary event is about to start! Yes, yes, yes! It's here! Sponsored by "Happy Root Beer," root beer; Total Recall Press, "Oil Cup," oil, and brought to you by "Mr. Ketchup," ketchup, Fast Truck has traveled all the way to the great land of Nihon, and they're soon kicking off one of the, if not the toughest races in all Motorsports! The Mount Fuji 40! Whew! Can't you feel the excitement? This season's event has been the highest anticipated one to date! With Japan native; Kimi Honson; the number 2071 running the fastest qualifying lap and snatching the pole! To, the number 22; Hale Danhard taking the 2nd place position, to Beverly Joe rolling in 3rd, and David Eugene bagging 4th! Let me tell you! Those four really ran an impressive run! Out of all the entries: Kimi; Hale, Beverly and David put down the fastest laps ever made in the history of the event; setting themselves far apart from the rest of the competitors times and pasting their names in the record books as the ones to beat!